Often we focus not enough on what we eat, but the food components would be appropriate to analyze carefully to make more responsible for our health choices.
With this intention the U.E. intervened with the Regulation 1169/2011 entered into force last December, setting strict rules about food labeling in order to make consumers more aware about their Food lifestyle.
This article explores the properties of milk from buffalo and the ways in which you can enjoy the best one of the products that best is made with that ingredient: Mozzarella di Bufala.
Always recognized as milk with a higher intake of fat acids and protein than cow’s, buffalo milk is more digestible because it rich in calcium and phosphorus and more nutritious being poorer in sugars and carbohydrates than cow’s, also ideal for infant growth between 4 and 12 months.
In addition, the buffalo milk is naturally devoid of carotene and that element gives it the characteristic white porcelain colour.

The flavors that distinguish the buffalo milk products are unparalleled and clearly distinguishable from those of cow’s milk. In fact, for a correct tasting it should be borne in mind aspects such as:
– The Temperature of tasting, which should be around 15-20 ° C, because the scent and flavor, but also the flavor are attenuated by the low temperature;
– Sensory analysis in its extensions:
visual aspect – touch (the shape, size and characteristics of the crust) and for buffalo mozzarella must be round or as smooth-looking braid, shiny and smooth, and supple to the touch it is to appear;
– olfactory and taste-olfactory characteristics:
Lactic acid odor (fresh milk, sour milk, boiled milk, yogurt, butter, cream, etc.).
vegetal aromas (grass, moss, hay, etc.).
smells spicy (pepper, nutmeg, saffron, cloves, etc.);
floral odors;
toasted smells (chocolate, caramel, vanilla, burned, smoked, etc.);
animal odors (barn, leather, animal hair, etc.)
– Examination of the structure in the mouth, that can be tough, elastic, deformable, fine, grainy, chewy, etc..
These indications allow us to systematically analyze the important points for the analysis of dairy products such as buffalo mozzarella.
It must be said, however, that the evaluation criteria used are very subjective and can change depending on many aspects, although it may give guidelines to consumers as less experienced in the features that certain products should possess.
* C. Alais, Science of Milk – Principles of Dairy Technology and derivatives, New Techniques
Edited by Michelina Olivieri

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