The average composition of buffalo milk has a fat content and protein higher than cow’s milk, increased by 16% in the first case and between 12 and 14% in the second. In addition to the higher percentages, the buffalo milk also contains an interesting salt content more rich in calcium, magnesium and inorganic phosphorus, compared to cow’s milk.
Another peculiarities of buffalo milk is also highlights a greater suitability for children, compared to cow’s milk, thanks to a better relationship between the content of calcium and phosphate, compared to those of sodium and potassium. The buffalo milk many times is preferred to that cattle for the quality of fat content higher than 7% and for solids-not-fat on average present in a variable percentage between 9 and 10.5%.
Big differences were noted for the high level of calcium in relation to low-cholesterol (0.64 versus 3.14 mg / g f
or cow’s milk).
Buffalo milk marks finally a higher content of natural antioxidants such as tocopherols and peroxidases, for this has been reported for its probiotic characteristics given the significant presence of immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase and lysozyme.